Appraisal Videos
How much is your art, antiques, or collectibles worth? An appraisal is useful when you inherit items to determine if items should be insured or if you want to sell, donate, or keep them. It is also helpful to understand the current market value of items you have purchased for yourself. It may be time to downsize, or redecorate, or you may need an idea of value for insurance purposes. A free art appraisal from Simpson Galleries will give you the confidence you need to determine the next steps.
See our Appraisal Videos:

Is My Artwork or Furniture Authentic?
It takes a trained, expert eye to know the true value of your piece using key pieces of information.

Free Appraisals
This video teaches you how to determine the current value of your fine art, antiques, or collectibles. It is always best to seek out an expert for fine art and antique appraisals.

How Much Are My Antiques or Fine Art Worth?
Watch our video on determining the value of your fine art and antiques and learn how Simpson Galleries can assist you with selling your artwork.

5 Reasons to Have Your Fine Art, Antiques, and Estate Appraised
Go behind the scenes to learn more about why you should appraise your fine art, antiques, and estate.

Estate Executor Services, Consultations & Appraisals
Watch this video to learn how estate pieces are appraised and taken to auction.

Estate Planning Services & Appraisals In Houston, Texas
Watch our video on estate planning services and appraisals and learn how Simpson Galleries can assist you with all of your appraisal needs.