Simpson Galleries

Free Appraisals

To determine the current value of your fine art, antiques, or collectibles, it is best to seek out an expert. Appraisers know exactly what to look for to calculate the most accurate value. Watch the video below as we discuss our free appraisal service.

Free Appraisals: Why Seek a Complimentary Appraisal?

Some appraisers require a written contract in exchange for the appraisal. They might insist that you sell your item through their auction services or pay a fee for the appraisal service. This is not the case with Simpson Galleries. We offer a free verbal valuation with no strings attached. Once you know the value of your piece, you can decide what you want to do with it.

How much is your art, antiques, or collectibles worth? An appraisal is useful when you inherit items to determine if items should be insured or if you want to sell, donate, or keep them. It is also helpful to understand the current market value of items you have purchased for yourself. It may be time to downsize, or redecorate, or you may need an idea of value for insurance purposes. A free art appraisal from Simpson Galleries will give you the confidence you need to determine the next steps.


Free Appraisals: Is Your Item Worth Selling?

One of the top reasons people seek valuations is to find out if their items are worth selling. A piece that was purchased many years earlier may have appreciated over time into an even more valuable asset. Selling it now may be in your best interest.

Even though art, antique furniture, silver, jewelry, and other investment pieces sometimes decrease in value over time due to market trends, you may still decide that it is time to sell. If you determine it is best to keep your item for now, Simpson Galleries will still provide you with a free valuation.

Are you interested in receiving a free estimate on your antiques, art, or other items in your collection? Call the experts at Simpson Galleries or visit our website. We are eager to provide you with a free verbal appraisal so you can find out how much your items are worth.


Learn More:

How Much Are My Antiques or Fine Art Worth?

How to Cosign



Video Transcript

Welcome back to Simpson Galleries.


Simpson Galleries Services

My name is Ray Simpson, and I’d like to discuss another service that we offer here at Simpson Galleries, and that is complementary appraisals.

If you are wondering how much your items have appreciated over the years that you’ve owned them or would like to know if they’re worth selling, feel free to give us a call or email us with the details of your items, and I’d be happy to give you a free estimated value.

Free Appraisals

A few examples where this might be helpful would be if you inherited a piece or two or if you bought something somewhere that you think may have value, we’re here to listen to the story about your items and let you know what their value is, and that’s a complimentary service that we offer to all of our customers.

Please email us images of your pieces to [email protected] to find out how much your pieces have appreciated, or visit our website at We look forward to hearing from you soon to find out what your items may be worth.